Retaining water is uncomfortable, unflattering, and frustrating. Here are some ways to lose that extra water weight.

    • 1 This may seem counterintuitive, but the best way to lose water weight is to actually drink more water. Your body may be retaining water because it is dehydrated; drinking more allows your body to flush out toxins and the water it has been holding onto so stubbornly.

    • 2 To shed water weight, add a little twist of lemon or lime to your water; they are natural diuretics and make all of that fluid easier to drink.

3 When trying to lose water weight, reduce your sodium intake. An excess of sodium will cause your body to retain water, making you look and feel bloated. Also avoid sugary foods, diet soda, and alcohol.

4 To get rid of water weight, push yourself through a workout. The combination of proper hydration and a workout will help your body find it's balance and stop holding on to excess fluids.

5 To lose water weight and get rid of bloating, eat foods that are high in potassium. Bananas, cabbage, carrots, asparagus, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables are great for fighting bloat.

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